
Much depends on the starting point i.e. the ‘health’ of your soil and plants and also the farm or orchard infrastructure available to implement the BioAg programmes. The BioAg system promotes continual improvement. We have seen very positive responses inside six months but generally it...

Yes, it is a set of fertilisers with the exception of RumiMate which is an animal nutritional supplement. The value of the BioAg liquids is far greater than the "NPK" analysis due to the culturing process during manufacture which metabolises the ingredients into biological forms. The...

Bloat is caused by too much nitrogen in the plant. The nitrogen will displace phosphate in cool, cloudy or wet weather and magnesium will not be available to slow the release of nitrogen into the plant. Clover can release a lot of nitrogen in those...

Calcium is the foundation energy source for the soil/plant system. Once good biological activity is established calcium will be readily made available from the base reserves in your soil. It may require periodic applications (at low rates) to act as a catalyst and for maintenance....