
Much depends on the starting point i.e. the ‘health’ of your soil and plants and also the farm or orchard infrastructure available to implement the BioAg programmes. The BioAg system promotes continual improvement. We have seen very positive responses inside six months but generally it...

Yes. A rate of 0.1% for every 1000litres of liquid waste (approximately) entering your sump is the recommended starting point. An initial ‘charge’ amount should also be added to the sump at 2ltr per 1,000 ltr of sump capacity. This should be diluted @ 20:1 and...

BioAg Digest-it® is primarily made for digesting stubble in situ, dead root and plant material or various effluent waste. The organisms stimulated by Digest-it® have three essential duties in nature: to align them with the plant to supply effective and efficient metabolites. to decompose dying roots and...